*President S.K.DASH Message*
India-Japan Friendship Center is a non-government, non-political
and non-profit making voluntary organization primarily aims at
identifying areas of convergence for mutual cooperation and brotherhood
between the two countries in a constructive manner, contributing
to the advancement of overall bilateral relations. It further
reaffirms its determination to strengthen cooperation and coordination
between India and Japan for comprehensive reforms at grass-root
To harness social, cultural and secular values of India and Japan
through mutual understanding, fellow-feeling and interacting with
each other in cordial and reciprocal manner at grass-root level
to foster friendship driven by converging long-term social, economic
and strategic interests, aspirations and concerns and underpinned
by a common commitment to democracy, open society, human rights,
rule of law, and free market economy based on deep respect for
each other's contributions in promoting peace, stability and harmony
through comprehensive economic engagement, scientific experiment
and research, greater technological cooperation as well as working
towards a quantum increase in cultural ties, tourism packages,
educational linkages and people-to-people contacts to harness
the vast potential of bilateral relations between Indian and Japan,
as the two largest and most developed democracies of Asia, with
a mutual stake to each other's progress and prosperity.
We should put the best of our endeavour to facilitate ties between
people, or people to people exchanges which are of vital importance,
in addition to political and economic relations. The Japanese
and Indian people share ancient bonds and a proud civilizational
heritage, and thus, have a large potential to deepen their interaction.
Japan & India have been cultivating their friendship through
a long cherished history. It is well known that an Indian Buddhist
priest, Bodhisena, inaugurated the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple
in Japan in the 8th Century. Indian & Japanese people bear
vivid memories of their friendship and frequent interchange between
the greatest Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore and the Japanese
thinker, Tenshin Okakura, and of the stormy lives of Ras Bihari
Bose and Subhas Chandra Bose who tought for the Independence of
India and the then Japanese support to turn the dream a reality.
Adequate access shall be accelerated to inculcate these emotional
attachments & bindings.
Our economies are highly complementary to each other. Japan has
an advantage in hardware, on the other hand, while India is well
known for its software expertise, on the other. Let's have an
initiation to boost the commerce of both the countries.
Both the countries articulated the shared conviction that this
partnership must be based on the foundations of close people to
people links to help elevate our traditionally friendly and co-operative
ties to a higher level. Intuitive initiatives shall contribute
substantially to this noble objective.
To reduce the communication gap to a formidable extent schools
and other educational institutes shall be adopted to introduce
Japanese language in Odisha & other states of India as a language
linkage between the two countries we are a step ahead, introducing
Japanese language in Chandra Sekhar Academy at Balighai, Puri,
Odisha since 2004. Besides education, we organize traditional
& cultural programmes to attract Indian & Japanese classical
and folk artists to perform stage shows in both the countries.
A cultural amity can be ensured. Let's have amazing vacations
amidst tourists of either of the countries and participate in
programmes like "Japan yr. in India" and "Indian
Festivals in Japan". Let's have more & more celebrations
and participations.
A 24 hour, round-the-clock help-line has been organized by India-Japan
Friendship Center to extend its friendly help & support for
any kind of enquiries, queries, problems, disadvantages of the
Japanese tourists, during their stay in India. Retirement tips,
guidelines and in time help shall make them feel at home &
boost the traditional heritage of Odisha that "a friend in
need is a friend in deed". Besides that, India-Japan, Friendship
Center also works as an information centre for the native Indians
who intends to go Japan in Business, studies, traveling, research
work etc.
These are the fundamental steps in promoting mutual understanding
and appreciation of each others cultures & civilizations.
We are hopeful with these type of initiations to convey a picture
of two dynamic and friendly countries which are fast growing economies
as well as knowledge & cultural hubs, and which have emerged
as pillars of strength in Asia as well as the rest of the World.
The ties of friendship that India & Japan share are deep and
have historical roots.
India - Japan Friendship Center works as a grass-root ambassador
to foster and facilitate social upliftment of the common mass
through its innovative involvements in the field of education,
technology, agriculture, export/ import, social forestry, fishery,
tourism, culture and benevolent works like old age home, orphanage,
free boarding schools, safe drinking water & sanitation, health
care, primary education & adult literacy, poverty alleviation,
women's empowerment, child welfare including support for street
children and elimination of child labour, support for persons
with disabilities, preservation of environment and other kinds
of social works that deems suitable to match the all round growth
& development of both the countries & its people.
Let's celebrate, admire & feel the essence of spiritual strength
& enlightment that Lord Buddha is the tenth incarnation of
Lord Jagannath which unities the spiritual bond between the two
sacred nations to empower its people in a more juvenile, radical
& envigourous way to reach their destination and attainment
to a higher level through amity, unity & integrity.

■チャンドラ・セカール・アカデミー学校(CHANDRA SEKHAR
of Japan in kolkata)
◇外務省(The Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
◇国際連合 工業開発機関(UNIDO)
Media Links Newspapers)
Japanese Association)
◇インド日本友の会(India Japan Friendship Club)
■タキイ種苗株式会社(TAKII SEED)
◇株式会社 クボタ(Kubota:
Agriculture machinery)
■株式会社 サタケ(SATAKE: rice
wheat milling machine)
■ODISHA Economic Development

Naik Minister of Agriculture Japan Schedule 2008
Japan Friendship Year in ODISHA (2007日印交流年 オリッサにて)
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